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M521: Shawna Jerch Khatiwada

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Serving In: Asia

From a young age Shawna had a desire to see the world, but when she was in high school, God called her to experience it through His eyes. God gave her a burning passion for the lost, for the most unreached, and for the forgotten. Long-term missions wasn't even on her radar until that point, but in that moment, everything changed. As she began to walk through open doors that led to different nations on different continents, she began to see that this was exactly what she was created for. As she sat with individuals who were broken by circumstance, spiritually dead, or had never heard the gospel before, her heart felt as though it found it's niche.  Shawna graduated from Christ for the Nations Institute and joined Go To Nations in 2015. She completed her training and served in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Shawna has a passion to see the local people raised up and empowered to bring the gospel to their own people and surrounding nations!


Through discipleship and training, the Nepali people are being mobilized to fulfill the Great Commission.
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