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Rawie and Char have been working in the former Soviet Union since 1992. They served as Regional Directors of Eurasia and serve currently as National Directors of Russia. They served for over 7 years as Coordinators of the Pathway to The Nations (PTTN) Conferences in Russia. The conferences targeted more than 100 unreached people groups in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, China, Africa, Pakistan and Mongolia. 

Further, Rawie is the Founder of Russian Royal Rangers (RRR) and served as the National Commander for 11 years.  After resigning for a few years, he was voted into the National Commander position to oversee the transition to a National Russian Leader. Charleen is a Psalmist and Bible Teacher, and teaches in conferences and Bible colleges.  She mentored many church worship teams and established the interdenominational Intercessory Leader's Prayer Meeting for POCXBE (Russian Union of Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches). This prayer meeting began in 2003 and now continues to meet with Russian leadership.

In 2013 they were part of the leadership team that conducted the first Timothy Internship Program (TIP) in Eurasia. The TIP is one part of the Go To Nations missionary training modules. It is an intensive 10 week program developed for onsite missionary training and cultural adaptation. Recently, Char developed and conducted the Strategic Prayer conferences (8) both in Russia and America. This is a two day conference that trains the local church to support their pastor's mandate from God for their church.